Like your "wise, old, friend" I seek the positive. I'm not keen on dying but I know it's coming and I don't need a God or a Heaven to make me feel better about it. It is such a privilege to be part of the vast mystery we are set in that I can't help but be curious, excited and helpful (I hope). What more do we need? We must spend our time here well.

There is a lot of good environmental news: restoring wetlands, fusion energy, conserving vast parts of our nations ... and finally, more media attention. We all need hope to become engaged. And, we all need a personal end game that we control and can take pride in. Without hope or pride we will sit by and ignore the 6th great exctinction.

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Enjoyed reading "Finishing Well". These articles are timely, with all that is going on around us ... and all that is going on inside my head, as I grow older. Looking forward to more!

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