You're so right, that it's the moral and ethical fails that return with sharp edges to reproach us. Reading your sentences about that have given me a little moment of reassurance: that others, too, have moral/ethical failings that haunt them. There's a balm in knowing I have companions in that place of self-reproach.

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The Taiwanese bank commercial is a real inspiration, as is the comment from one of your former students. Comments like this can take the sting out of possible regrets, just knowing that someone was touched positively by a choice that we now question in retrospect. It was very kind of this student to let you know.

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thank you for this post. regrets of the heart and soul live on. they make us better people, i hope.

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I saw Piaf. At the end of her career in Paris .I was a tour guide .She was dreadful.

Regrets? Many mistakes,but that goes with a stressful life

I’’ve had a lovely life fun friends including the author of The Endgame


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Forgive me for sharing this, but I wrote this poem on regret a little while ago and wonder if it will add to your thoughts too: https://open.substack.com/pub/timorlili/p/no-more-regret?r=1r7iky&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Hello. I find that reading Seneca on regret (he wrote of it frequently) is a great help to me when I experience it in my dreams, imaginings or memories.

I hope you can find some comfort there. All the best, John.

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