That beautifully articulates what I was writing about this week. In a world where it seems like everything is negative, if we look up away from our phones there are incredible acts of kindness.

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You cannot imagine how nourishing your subway vignette was to me this morning. Without moving, I suddenly find myself living in a cruel kingdom where the Emperor-God is systematically eroding compassion and simple kindness. Until someone shows him his stop and tells him where to get off, we can sustain ourselves with stories such as yours which can keep our humanity alive. Thank you.

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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And you are here, at The Story Station, connecting us with Kindness and Hope .Timing is perfect.

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Somehow fate has brought me back here, when I thought I had unsubscribed. I will take this as a sign and stick around.

Your column of today reminded me of a couple of chances I have had, recently, to perform random acts of kindness and, like you, I have allowed them to slip away. Partly this has occurred because I simply don't think and react as quickly as I once did, and the opportunity had passed before my brain processed it. I think I have to prime myself, be aware and more attentive, and slow my internal momentum to stop and take notice instead of just carrying me along my path to class or home.

It is very cold in Manitoba at the moment and I have seen people sleeping rough in bus shelters. I promise I will get the next one in someplace warm and buy them breakfast.


Geoff Ireland

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What a great moment in life.

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I was charmjan of the TTC for a considerable time

ending in1985

Suicide was the scary problem which couldn’t be publicized

We were strict with passenger conduct.

Now it’s changed where many come to escape the cold,or use it as their residence

A huge difficult problem.

I share Phillip‘s regret in not helping. I’m fairly sure others in my family would have stepped up and helped.

Ohhh to be stupidly shy at our age!

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