6.30 am in the hospital

Issue?How do I reach the toilet?


What is extremely helpful is your usual smarty pants literary scope,Jonathan Swift,The Lady’s Dressing Room with the vital information that Celia shits

I will unfortunately think of this far too often.


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Leslie Lowe may or may not help elucidate this matter in her monograph on the topic ... No Place to Go! https://atlanticbooks.ca/stories/lezlie-lowe-investigates-the-universal-need-for-a-decent-public-washroom/

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Brilliant column as always...Philip

As to your previous one, a British friend of mine said that while he appreciated the wide open spaces of North America, he preferred England as it was a landscape he could "hang his memories on"

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As we get older, it's what most of us think about but don't talk about. When we travel in foreign countries, our days have to be planned with that in mind.

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Enjoy the tour! Which Evil Empire in particular? All the best, John.

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My late mother-in-law left Scotland many years ago and for years after her departure hankered for the old country. It likely didn't help that at the Scottish port from where she departed that the pipes were ringing out, "will you no come back again." She and her husband could not afford to return until many years later. It was only then that she appreciated her stay in Canada. It's a natural habit to remember the good things about our places of origin but, at times, we forget the reasons for our leaving and take for granted where we land.

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