Toronto, May 26, 2024
Not this week
Murray Glow, my dear friend for more than sixty years, died this past Friday, May 24, in the morning, at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto. I loved Murray, and at the moment I’m despondent and don’t have the heart to write much of anything.
Here is a picture I took on April 4, 2022, when Murray, Martha, Cynthia and I were on holiday in Paris. It was taken in the early evening in the Jardin du Palais Royale, as we strolled back to our hotel after a good dinner. Those were happy times.
Wow! I needed a good cry. Sixty years - that is a long-time friend who, no doubt, loved you - loves you still - as much as you love him. We, as your readers, will hopefully each be so fortunate to have shared a deep love with a friend for so long and feel such deep sorrow at their passing. The photo in Paris with the periwinkle sky, the lines of trees, and Murray, Martha, and Cynthia will, I'm sure, be held dearly by you. Thank you for opening my heart today in compassion for your loss of a friend who meant so much to you.
Very sorry for your loss. Good friends are a treasure.